
Our Services

Trust the Experience

TinyHouse Installation

Choose an appropriate location for your tiny house, considering factors such as zoning laws, access to utilities, sunlight exposure, and proximity to amenities.


While the company primarily deals with pre-owned structures, they understand the importance of customization to meet the unique needs and preferences of their customers


Anchor the tiny house to the foundation to prevent shifting or movement, especially in areas prone to high winds or seismic activity.

Regular Maintenance

Establish a routine maintenance schedule to keep your tiny house in optimal condition. This may include tasks such as inspecting for leaks, cleaning gutters, and servicing utilities.

Foundation Preparation

While a THOW doesn't require a traditional foundation, you'll still need a stable surface for parking. This could be gravel, concrete pads, or specially designed parking pads.

Transport and Placement

Coordinate with a professional transportation service to deliver your THOW to the parking site. Ensure that the route is suitable for towing and that any obstacles or height restrictions are addressed beforehand.